knocking on devil's door
simple dong page for simple dong things
FREEBIE: Spiky Scalie

Design will be exclusive to the shop that takes it.
Can be altered, renamed, resized, etc.Optional file with more usable length. You can use both or either.

FREEBIES: Kissing Butch Orc and Dragon

These are meant as kissing toys/face-riding/grinders.
Design will be exclusive to the shop that takes it.
Can be altered, renamed, resized, etc.
If only one design is taken, the other one will still be available for another shop to take.
They can be altered to have no tongue, less piercings, etc.
FREEBIE: Furry Thigh High Butt Grinder

Design will be exclusive to the shop that takes it.
Can be altered, renamed, resized, etc, or you can also adapt it into a penetrable if you like.Comes with two files: one with a vulva, one with a penis.The body has no fur detail, so it can be a furry character or your favorite doggirl/catboy etc (provided that character is canonically above the age of 18 per my TOS)

FREEBIE: Dragon Grinder / Open penetrable

Design will be exclusive to the shop that takes it.
Can be altered, renamed, resized, etc.Please note that this shares a base with an insertable model (Alduween, viewable in "adopted designs"). The shop that took that model said it was okay for the grinder version to go to another shop.
FREEBIE: Scoop (Ice Cream Dragon)

Design will be exclusive to the shop that takes it.
Can be altered, renamed, resized, etc.
The "cherry" on top and ice cream cone spines on the back can be removed if preferred.
FREEBIE: Dragonborn

Design will be exclusive to the shop that takes it.
Can be altered, renamed, resized, etc.
FREEBIE: Minotaur Boobs and Biceps Sculpt

Design will be exclusive to the shop that takes it.
Can be altered, renamed, resized, etc.(with one stipulation - the biceps have to stay. They can be modified, but there must be biceps. I'm sorry)
These designs have been taken by shops.
Design taken by Erogeisha

Werewolf T-Rex taken by Howling Horrors

Kissing Werewolf taken by Howling Horrors

Freebie designs are available to "established" shops.
An established shop is a shop that has a way to safely pour silicone and has already made at least one sale.
This is a safety measure for both of us, as I'm somewhat new to sculpting (started in Sept 2023), and I don't want to potentially cause difficulties for a new shop if I've missed a potential design flaw. An established shop is better able to determine whether or not an area needs redesigning to be easier to pour.If there is an area you think needs to be redesigned to make it easier to pour, you can ask me to adjust the model at any point during the process and I'll do so for free.
There are some kinds of shops I won't give a design to.
I won't give a design to shops known for design theft.
I won't give a design to shops that work with materials that aren't body-safe. All designs are meant to be poured in silicone.
I won't give a design to a shop that doesn't vacuum degass their silicone, or is known for other unsafe practices.
I won't give a design to a shop that promotes hate speech, such as racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.
I won't give a design to a shop that endorses zoophilia or pedophilia or is known to associate with or advertise to zoophiles or pedophiles.
I won't give a design to a shop that has designs, colorations, or toy names based on minors or fictional characters that are canonically minors. By this, I don't mean merely accidental instances of colorations that may appear by coincidence to resemble such characters, but a stated intent to make or have made colorations, designs, or toy names based on minors or fictional characters who are canonically minors. [Example: A shop that says: "Here's a pour based on (character that is canonically a minor) from (media)!"]This is a very, very important boundary for me for very, very personal reasons. If making pours or designs based on minors is something you want to do or think you may want to do in the future, do us both a favor and simply don't contact me asking for my models. I won't have my work used in such ways and I won't work with shops that do this.
Freebie designs (unless specified otherwise) are exclusive to the shop that takes them.
Upon a design being "adopted", the shop has the exclusive right to sell what they make with the design (such as silicone squishies or sex toys). The model will be moved to the "adopted" section and will no longer be available to be taken by other shops.
They can also alter the design however they need to (unless specified otherwise).
However, the shop can't resell the 3D model itself or redistribute the 3D model. Please let me know if you no longer want a design, and I can put it back up as "available". (or, if significant alterations have been made to the design, we can discuss it then if you want to resell it or give it to another shop)
Freebie designs are free.
If I give a shop a model, they'll receive a .blend file and .obj file at minimum (if other file types are desired, please let me know). If a design has multiple variations, the files for those will be included unless specified otherwise.
I am willing to sign further agreements if a shop requires it, depending on what those agreements are.
You don't have to give me a copy of the final product unless you want to (it is appreciated!)
I can be contacted with any questions (comments, concerns...) at:
If you want to take an available design, please include in your email the name of your shop and a link to it, as well as your desired file format and how you'd prefer to receive it.
I'll email you back and let you know if you can take the design, or if I have any other questions (comments, concerns...)